What is Astrocartography

By Published On: July 26th, 2023Categories: Astrocartography

Astrocartography works by integrating the principles of astrology and cartography to determine how the positions of celestial bodies at the time of an individual’s birth relate to specific locations on Earth. Here’s a step-by-step explanation of how it typically works:

  1. Birth Chart Calculation: The first step in astrocartography is to calculate an individual’s birth chart, which is a map of the positions of celestial bodies at the exact time and location of their birth. This includes the placements of the Sun, Moon, planets, and other significant astrological factors.
  2. Mapping the Birth Chart: Once the birth chart is calculated, it is overlaid onto a world map. The astrocartography map divides the world into twelve equal sections, representing the twelve zodiac signs.
  3. Identifying Planetary Lines: Astrocartography lines, also known as planetary lines, are drawn on the map to indicate the points where specific planetary energies intersect with the Earth’s surface. These lines represent the areas where the influence of a particular planet is believed to be strong.
  4. Interpretation: Each astrocartography line corresponds to a specific planet or astrological factor from the birth chart. The interpretation of these lines depends on the individual’s birth chart and the astrologer’s understanding of the planetary influences. For example, if someone has their Venus line passing through a particular city, it suggests that the Venus energy, associated with love and relationships, may be particularly pronounced in that location.
  5. Analysis and Exploration: Astrocartography is used to analyze the potential effects of specific planetary lines on various aspects of life, such as career, relationships, health, and personal growth. Individuals can explore different locations and their corresponding astrocartography lines to gain insights into how those places may resonate with their birth chart and potentially impact their experiences.

It’s important to remember that astrocartography is based on astrological beliefs and interpretations, and its effectiveness and accuracy are subjective and can vary among practitioners. Some people find astrocartography helpful for self-reflection, travel planning, or understanding the possible energetic influences of different locations, while others may approach it with scepticism.

Upon mapping Sarah’s birth chart onto the astrocartography map, we find that her Mars line passes through a city called “City X.” This indicates that City X may have a potent Mars energy that could impact various aspects of Sarah’s life.


  1. Career: With a Mars line passing through City X, Sarah may find the location to be highly energising and suitable for career pursuits requiring ambition and assertiveness. It could indicate opportunities for leadership roles, entrepreneurship, or competitive industries.
  2. Personal Growth: The Mars energy in City X may provide a conducive environment for Sarah’s personal growth. It might support her in cultivating self-confidence, determination, and courage to take on challenges and pursue her goals.
  3. Relationships: The influence of Mars in City X could manifest in Sarah’s relationships. It may indicate that she is drawn to individuals who embody Mars-like qualities, such as assertiveness and passion. Additionally, her own assertiveness and drive may be appreciated or required in relationships in this location.
  4. Health and Physical Activities: Sarah’s Mars line suggests that City X may be an excellent place for physical activities and sports due to the heightened Mars energy. Engaging in active pursuits and maintaining physical fitness could align well with the energetic atmosphere of the location.

It’s important to note that this is a simplified example, and in actual astrocartography consultations, a comprehensive analysis of the birth chart and its interactions with various astrocartography lines would be considered.

Let’s consider an example of a person named Alex who is considering moving from their current country, Country A, to a new country, Country B. We’ll explore how astrocartography could provide insights into the potential influences of this move.

  1. Birth Chart Analysis: The first step is to analyze Alex’s birth chart, which includes the positions of celestial bodies at their birth time. Let’s say Alex’s birth chart reveals a strong emphasis on the Moon, indicating emotional sensitivity and a need for a nurturing environment.
  2. Mapping Astrocartography Lines: The birth chart is overlaid onto the astrocartography map. Alex’s Moon line, which represents the areas where the Moon’s influence is potent, is traced on the map.
  3. Comparison of Countries: We compare the astrocartography lines between Country A and Country B to understand the potential differences in lunar influences.
  • Country A: Alex’s Moon line passes through a major city in Country A, suggesting that the emotional and nurturing energies associated with the Moon may be present in this location. This could indicate a comfortable and supportive environment for Alex’s emotional well-being.
  • Country B: Upon analysing Country B, we find that Alex’s Moon line also passes through a significant city in this country. This suggests that Country B may also provide a nurturing atmosphere that aligns with Alex’s emotional needs.
  1. Additional Factors: In addition to the Moon line, other Astro cartography lines and their corresponding planetary influences can be considered to gain a more comprehensive understanding. Factors such as career, relationships, and personal growth can be explored by examining the Astro cartography lines associated with those areas.

Ultimately, Astro cartography can offer insights into how the planetary energies associated with a person’s birth chart may align or differ in different countries. It can provide a basis for exploring potential resonance with certain locations and how they might support aspects of a person’s life based on their birth chart. However, it’s important to note that many other factors, such as cultural, economic, and personal considerations, should also be considered when making decisions about moving to a new country.

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